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Sustainable Future
Responsible Events
At Rage Room Events we are committed to providing a thrilling and unique experience while prioritising sustainability and environmental responsibility. Our mission is to offer an exhilarating way to relieve stress through smashing and breaking items all while ensuring that our practices are eco-friendly and socially responsible. This page outlines our sustainable practices, from sourcing materials to recycling, demonstrating our commitment to protecting the environment and supporting our community.

Sustainable Sourcing Of Equipment:
Charity Shops:
A significant portion of the items used in our rage rooms are sourced from local charity shops. By doing this, we not only support local charities and reduce waste but also give a second life to items that might otherwise end up in landfills. These items include:
Plates, cups, and ornaments that can be safely shattered.
Old computers, keyboards, radios, blenders, toasters, CD players and basicaly any other electronic devices.

Post Event Recycling:
What We Do:
After each event all broken items are collected and sorted for recycling. We work with local recycling facilities to ensure that materials like glass, metal, and plastic are properly processed and repurposed. This meticulous process ensures that we minimise our environmental footprint.
Donated to a special team who crush them and make into wildlife enclosers.
Metal And Plastics:
Sorted and recycled by expert local recycling services.

Previous Clients:

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